Tuesday 3 November 2009

Day 3

2832 words. fuck.

Kyo hummed a little to himself as he tried to ignore the pounding noise of his club, poking the ice in his glass with his little finger. These people bored him, the ones who came here to forget their situation for a while. The ones who payed the highest prices to feel a little heat, passion and lust for the shortest time… he pitied them. He knew he was different. He owned the city. He was living the dream life. His whole world was under his control, everyone at his mercy.

Kyo was almost knocked over as someone ran past him, heading for the door. A tall, thin woman screamed after the someone. Kyo had always felt the need to protect the weak, in his eyes that included women, so instinctively he chased the stranger from the club. He caught the assailant half way down an alleyway, about two blocks from the club, where Kyo pulled a knife from his waistband and slit the person’s throat.

As the victim slumped to the ground, Kyo took a small, sequined purse from his hand. Quickly looking through it, he found several thousand city credits in the purse. City credits were the currency of the island, one of which was equivalent to around two pounds. Kyo knew immediately no-one law abiding should be carrying this amount of money. He turned on his heel, to find the woman he had seen earlier, who he assumed was the owner of the money.


“Hello miss, is this yours?” Kyo asked the beautiful stranger, giving her a cheeky wink. The woman smiled and nodded, accepting the purse from him before standing to leave. Kyo grabbed her arm firmly. He certainly had to find out more about her before she left. “Care for a drink?” The woman nodded again, and followed Kyo to the bar. Kyo ordered their drinks, while sending the woman little smiles.

“I’m Shinya.” the woman said softly, as she accepted the drink and sipped at it. Kyo nodded and gave her his name, receiving another small smile. His thoughts suddenly turned. Now that formalities where out of the way, he just had to ask about the money. His question caused Shinya to splutter a little on her drink, then blush.

“the money? I.. uh…” She faltered, unsure how to continue. Kyo pressed on, asking her where or how she got all that money. She smiled a little, and reached for Kyo’s hand. “I could show you…” she told him, and pulled him along behind her as she slipped into a back room. The second she had closed the door behind her, she pushed Kyo up against the wall, and suddenly Kyo noticed that she was somewhat taller than him. Not that that would be difficult, given his short stature, though it was unusual for a woman.

Shinya leaned down slightly to kiss him roughly. Kyo let out a muffled yelp of surprise, before grabbing Shinya’s hair and kissing her harder, thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth. She trailed one hand teasingly down his chest, letting it rest on the waist band of his trousers. The other hand she slipped under his shirt, and dragged her nails firmly across his chest. Kyo pulled away and groaned as the nails scraped his nipples. In one swift movement, Shinya removed his shirt, and worked her way down his body, kissing, licking and biting all the way. She knelt before him, looking up at him with beautiful, wide eyes, such a lust filled gaze that it made Kyo shiver.

Shinya undid his belt and pulled down his clothing with expert ease. She held his semi-erect length in her hand, and stroked it gently while darting her tongue out to lick at the head. Kyo’s head fell back against the wall as he let out a half moan, thrusting his hips forward as a hint. Shinya smirked as she took his entire length in her mouth, shifting slightly to get into position to deep throat him.

“Fuck…” Kyo exhaled, his eyes half closed and his breath coming in quick pants and gasps. Before long, with all the wonderful things Shinya was doing to him… the teasing licks, the firm sucks and gentle hums… Kyo almost came. Almost… “Shinya…” he moaned out, as he pilled her roughly by the hair to stand. He turned them so that she was against the wall, and as he jerked himself off, he pulled out his knife. For a moment, fear flashed across Shinya’s eyes, but after a moment, as if reading his mind, she exposed her neck to him, where he made a small cut, enough to get a dribble of blood. Shinya gasped loudly at the pain, and then whined as Kyo sucked up the blood hungrily, finding the experience oddly pleasurable. As Kyo lapped at the blood on his lips, he came. The semen splattered onto Shinya’s thighs, narrowly missing the hem of her short dress.

“now pay up.” Shinya instructed, as Kyo fell to his knees and licked up the semen. Kyo shook his head as he licked higher up her thigh, lifting her dress up slowly. She flushed bright red and push the dress back down, and moved away from him. He laughed, before grabbing her roughly and pulling her towards him. Shinya struggled against him, yet he managed to get a hand under her dress…

“Oh my… fuck!” Kyo exclaimed, then almost fell over as he lost himself to a laughing fit. Shinya stared at him, confused. “Fuck.. You’re a guy!” he stated. Shinya nodded, sheepishly. “why didn’t you just say so?”

“I didn’t want to ruin my chances. You seemed to like me enough as a woman.” Shinya mumbled, a little unsure what else to say. Kyo smiled and walked over to him, grabbing his ass as he kissed the cut on Shinya’s neck gently.

“you shouldn’t have worried,” Kyo said softly, “I go both ways.” He continued to kiss the others neck, before he asked a question. “Do you actually.. Enjoy doing this? I mean… prostituting yourself. Do you really want to be used and fucked raw by strangers who don’t give a fuck about you?” Shinya pulled back, his eyes glistening with tears. He shook his head. Kyo gave him a small smile and kissed him ever so gently on the lips. “how would you like… a different job?” Kyo asked him. Shinya looked at him puzzled. Kyo pulled the other closer by the hips, and kissed his lips firmly. He slipped Shinya’s dress down, loving the fact that the other lacked underwear. He pulled away from the kiss, and circled Shinya,

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